After many years (many years) of playing electric guitar I’ve rediscovered the classical guitar and have found some interesting tidbits to share. Gotta love that Internet thing. To begin with, when picking up music again, it’s always helpful to have a Music Theory site handy. Pretty good job and fun for free. Just something to check out. Watch an incredible performance by Ana Vidovic from the Kennedy Center. Most amazing. Here is the performance stream. I almost forgot. Classical guitar construction is quite an elaborate and time honored tradition. There are so many different techniques that go into building a great guitar. Some people have some different ideas about how to go about it. Really an interesting read about how to get all those pieces of wood to sound beautiful. Some of my other favorite sites include: World Guitarist - lots of links about classical guitar. Guitar Salon - Great site with good articles (the one on rapid tuning was quite interesting) and of course goodies everywhere. For fun look at the Hermann Hauser III. Price? Like the saying goes If you have to ask…