When last you heard from this topic I was trying a bunch of strings. Here’s a mini update for those who care. Back in March I put the La Bella 2001 Series strings on my cedar guitar. I’m happy to say they are still on there as of this writing. At first the bass sounded too splatty for my taste. But as they settled in the splat was replaced by a nice even pop. I have been really happy with these strings. The package said they were the medium tension, but they feel incredibly light. I haven’t really noticed any extra buzzing or other problems. So in all I would have to say Yes it’s a good string. Still figuring out what to put on the Ramirez next. Considering I don’t play it too often (maybe a couple of times a week) it will be a while before I really need to consider it. On the spruce side of life we left off with the Hannabach 815 hard tension strings. After a few hours of practice with these puppies I realized I was not in my pay grade. My hands were killing. Granted it can be a good thing if you are into that, but I was wanting to make music - not muscle. Off they came. On went a set of Augustine Regal Reds . These are advertised, accurately I think, as medium/hard tension. The basses for Augustine strings are denoted by the color and the trebles by the line (Imperial/Regal with the Regals being a slightly harder string) . These strings were awesome. Made me want to pick up my guitar over and over. Great sweet sound with a brilliant bright tone. Does that even make any sense? Hard to describe sounds. From there I installed a set of Augustine Black basses. These are quite a bit lighter than the reds and had that same splatty sound I had criticized earlier in the La Bella 2001 ’s. In the same light they have improved over the weeks, but still lack the punch of the reds. You think I’m finished? Ha! Think again. Embracing change, as I am want to do, I then opted to go from the Regal trebles to Augustine making my overall string tension on the light side of medium (at least in my book). This combination is extremely easy to play and has a very bright tone, but still lacks that punch of the Regal trebles. That is where things sit today. I ordered quite a few more and varied sets of strings from http://www.stringsbymail.com Strings by Mail and am looking forward to reporting those results. What a wonderful experiment!