Short sleeves! Break 'em out! Mon, Mar 15, 2010

Sing the praises! It’s that time of year again! Short sleeves!

Maybe I’m getting old, but this winter felt especially long and hard. Yes, we had extra snow. There was something else. Oh, I rem ember. Having two monsters couped up the whole winter. Enough to test the most patient of people.

I would like to thank the following saving graces:

  • The zoo - we have a family membership and will for the foreseeable future
  • The gym
  • My office space heater
  • Giant bags of Dunkin Donuts coffee - every morning! hothot as Nora would say.
  • Smartwool Socks
  • Our 20 year old snowblower - you made it another year

Winter, I will check you on the other side of fall. I’ll be the tall grizzled guy with the warm socks.
