New music is good Tue, Feb 15, 2005

Once again Jason shares the wealth and directed me to Audioscrobbler which is a site that can track your music listening habits, build a profile, and group you with people of similar taste. That way you can see what others might be listening to and give you the chance to discover some new music. They could still probably use a really good collaborative filter a la NetP’s good old recommendation engine. Ah, the uses for technology. You can check what I’ve been listening to by hitting my user page. Once they get the classical tagging worked out it will be super great. That’s the fun of a community driven project though. Plenty to argue about. Almost forgot that it even has support to grab the stats from an iPod as well. Pretty slick trick. So even when you’re on the go it will update when the iPod synchronizes. Love technology. Well, sometimes anyways.
