The guy cracks me up Mon, Mar 23, 2009

Saturday was a crazy day. There was Will's birthday party, umm… Okay, truth be told that was all there was. By myself on daddy duty it was about all I could handle trying to get everyone up from naps and out the door only 15 minutes late.

Third birthday parties are hilarious in my opinion. In this instance Spiderman was attending. Most of the other kids we a bit weary of him, but not Sam. He monopolized the poor guy's time. Following him around, telling him Sam stories, giving him high fives, webbing out (as seen in photo). After Spidey was allowed to leave the benign clutches of Sinister Sam we had some cake and headed for the home front.

Got home, grilled up some cheese sandwiches which of course produces the coveted grilled cheese. Cut one into quarters, slid it in front of Sam, and back to cutting the other into tiny pieces for Nora. Out of the corner of my eye I catch Sam staring into a piece of the sandwich. I ask the standard parental question What do you see buddy to which I expected the normal cheese or I dunno type response. Baby Jesus he said, and with that picked up the piece and proceeded to munch it down. After doubling over with laughter it took me a good 30 seconds before I was able to stand up straight again. It still cracks me up to even think about it. Where did that come from? I didn't hear anyone discussing baby Jesus at the party. The last time we really talked about it with Sam was Christmas and the Nativity was out. If I had my wits about me I guess I should have taken a picture for later inspection. In the end it didn't matter because Sam was eating that very piece and by the time I recovered and could ask the follow up question You saw baby Jesus in your grilled cheese his only response was Mmmm, tastes good with a mouth full of cheese.


